European Economic and Social Committee
Rue Belliard 99 / B-1000 Brussels
(Lunch will be provided)
In September 2013 the UN will a High Level Meeting on Disability and Development. The International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) and the European Disability Forum (EDF) believe that ahead of this High Level Meeting there is an important opportunity for the European Union and its member states to examine their progress to date on this issue and to exchange views, good policy and practice examples.
IDDC and EDF would like to use this opportunity to stimulate debate via the organization of a High Level Exchange on the inclusion of people with disabilities in the Millennium Development Goals and Beyond. The aim is to feed into the EU position on the UN High Level Meeting and to highlight the importance of creating an inclusive framework to follow the Millennium Development Goals in order to tackle poverty and ensure that the most vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities, are not left behind.
The event will include discussions on Europe’s political commitment to support an inclusive development agenda, debates on good practices and on the EU’s position towards the upcoming UN High Level Meeting on Disability and Development.
ENG – FR – SP interpretation and international sign language interpretation will be provided. Closed captioning will be provided by a velotypist.
More information and registration:
Source Article from IDDC