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juni 6, 2024 @ 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM

We are happy to announce the Network Meeting scheduled for June 6th in Utrecht! The event will take place in person, and we look forward to your participation.

Who is invited?               

Everyone is welcome, including participants of the DCDD network and anyone interested in disability inclusion or the work of the DCDD network. Feel free to share this invitation with your network! 

Register here:                  

Registration form


This network meeting is centred around reconnecting and exchanging ideas between participants within the network and organisations or individuals outside the network who are interested in disability-inclusive development programs. We are curious to learn more about what expertise exists within our network, and how can we best utilise this knowledge to make the development sector and programs outside it as inclusive as possible for people with disabilities! At DCDD we aim to leverage the expertise within our network to enhance disability inclusion in the development sector and beyond, and as part of this effort, DCDD currently works on a Disability Expertise Hub. During the session, we’ll provide an update on the network’s developments in this context. 


We’ve got very interesting speakers lined up already, but there is room for more! Do you have ideas around ‘mobilising expertise’ you want to share? Please let us know at

Drinks 17:00 – …. 

After our interactive exchange on the Disability Expertise Hub, there will be additional time for networking and catching up, while enjoying some drinks & snacks.


juni 6, 2024
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Evenement Categorie:



