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oktober 7, 2020 @ 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Disability Counts is a webinar on Disability Data & Monitoring, hosted by the Dutch Coalition on Disability and Development and the Partos Leave No One Behind Platform
DATE : October 7, 2020
TIME : 15:00 – 17:00 Amsterdam time (GMT +1)
Let’s talk about data and disability! A complex topic and yet, when we aim to implement inclusive development programmes, it is crucial to understand how disability monitoring works.
People with disabilities make up 15% of the world population and are highly overrepresented among people living in poverty. Programmes aimed at development and humanitarian action still tend to leave people with disabilities behind, as this recent study confirms. Collecting data on disability within our programmes helps us understand which barriers people with disabilities face and how to support their participation.
Therefore, we invite you to join us in our webinar “Disability Counts!”. We will take a practical and interactive approach, whereby we focus on a tool which is increasingly being used by governments, UN agencies and NGOs alike: the Washington Group Questions (designed for data disaggregation by disability). Daniel Mont, global disability data expert, will be available for your questions! And VSO and Dorcas will share their practical experience.
Join us and register via the link below!
15:00 – 16:00 : What are the Washington Group Questions (WGQs) and why are they important?
– Introduction into disability data & monitoring, by Daniel Mont
– Importance of data collection on disability in humanitarian aid, by Annet Lukkien
16:00 – 17:00 : How does it work in practice?
– VSO’s experience with using the WGQs in their education programmes, by Praveen, Kumar G.
– Tips and tricks on how to get started, by Daniel Mont
– Questions & answers
Daniel Mont is Co-President and Founder of the Center for Inclusive Policy. As a data expert, Mont advises governments, NGOs and UN agencies on monitoring disability
inclusion through data disaggregation and research.
Praveen, Kumar G. is Lead Advisor Social Inclusion at VSO International.
Annet Lukkien is Humanitarian Aid Coordinator at Dorcas.
Registration is closed now. If you still would like to participate, please send an email to h.vermeulen@dcdd.nl.
You can indicate your accessibility needs via the registration form. In case you have any questions, please contact us at dcdd@dcdd.nl