On 20th April, DCDD hosts a Network Meeting on “Digital Solutions to Disability Inclusion”. In the run-up to the event, we’d love for you to get to know our speakers and the great projects they are working on. Not registered yet? Head over to our registration page to join us live on the day.
Léa Guignard, a program development officer and RehApp project coordinator, will speak on ‘How can we ensure consistent knowledge and quality among community-based rehabilitation workers?’ She will share the RehApp, developed by Enablement. The RehApp Mobile app is freely available for fieldworkers in low-and middle-income countries. It aims to enhance their capacity to work with people with disabilities within the community: assess their abilities and inabilities, design rehabilitation interventions, provide care and support and refer appropriately. If you’d like to learn more about RehApp ahead of time, watch this YouTube video.

Léa Guignard
Léa began her career in the disability field as a coordinator at summer camps for adults with disabilities. She decided to continue her studies in International Development due to the rewarding nature of the work. She gained further experience in the NGO and disability sector during her advanced master’s traineeship. During that time, she worked for the Liliane Foundation on a project aimed at supporting parents of children with severe cerebral palsy. She continued to work with Enablement to develop the RehApp and coordinate the project. In addition, she is involved in implementing, planning, and monitoring several projects related to Community Based Rehabilitation, disability inclusion, lobbying & advocacy, and supervising interns who assist in carrying out research.
Community-based Rehabilitation (CBR) Adviser Inge Groenewegen and Organisational Development Adviser Willie Houben will be introducing ‘AKTIBU’, an app that Norfil en de Liliane Fonds are currently developing together. The app is a screening tool for families and caretakers of children with disabilities (CWDs) and a password-protected assessment tool and tele-rehabilitation function for local healthcare workers and rehabilitation professionals.

Inge Groenewegen
In her early career, Inge Groenewegen worked as a physiotherapist in the Guyana CBR programme. She has lived in the Caribbean and Africa for 15 years, and has had programme management and global advisory roles for VSO, Deaf Child Worldwide, and Christian Aid. As CBR Advisor at Liliane Foundation, she supports the tele-rehab project in The Philippines.
Willie Houben
Willie Houben graduated from the faculty of Social Geography of Developing Countries and worked at the Asian program desk of ICCO/Kerk in Actie for more than 15 years. At Liliane Foundation, she is responsible for monitoring the disability programs in Indonesia, Vietnam, and The Philippines. Furthermore, she is responsible for enhancing the institutional strengthening of the strategic partner organisation in these countries.

Hable One
Last but not least we have social entrepreneur Ayushman Talwar, who co-developed Hable One – a smartphone and tablet assistant which makes it much quicker and more accessible for people to navigate their phones. While having a successful start-up here in The Netherlands, the ambition is to make accessible solutions available for everyone everywhere, also in low-resource settings. For a great introduction to Hable One head over to the Hable YouTube page.

Ayushman Talwar
Ayushman became interested in assistive technology after experiencing living with his grandad, who was visually impaired. He learned about the challenges that arrive when someone is not born with blindness but turns visually impaired later in life. Ayushman is experienced with universal design, assistive technologies, and accessibility and is determined to create an impact in the space of accessibility.
Save the date!
Interested in joining us? Why not head over to our event registration page and register for the event?