VSO brings people together to address marginalisation and poverty. Our unique role in international development is to place committed volunteers with carefully selected organisations so their skills generate the greatest value. We know, from sixty years of experience, that when teachers pass on their skills to others, community groups shown reliable sources of income, and governments helped to make systems fairer, this brings about lasting change.

VSO’s volunteering for development approach underpins our work towards disability inclusion in empowering the poor and marginalised and is fundamental to achieving our vision of a fairer world for everyone. Our relational volunteering model emphasises the unique contributions volunteering makes towards achieving sustainable development outcomes through establishing relationships. Through the relationships that volunteers build, it is possible to engage and empower ‘primary actors’ in ways that other forms of intervention may miss. VSO helps drive progress towards inclusion through this approach, which ensures that volunteers can model and facilitate inclusion in a way that meets the needs and aspirations of the people the volunteers serve. Volunteers with disabilities are the best agents of change as they work to build awareness and sensitivity of institutions and systems. Building capabilities of volunteers with disabilities and leadership has enhanced our reach to persons with disabilities and their families. Based on our evidence we engage in advocacy that helps in influencing policies in favour of persons with disabilities. We recognize that there are structural and other adjustments that are needed to enhance participation of volunteers with disabilities and are committed to ensuring that it is provided (e.g., interpreters for Deaf volunteers, Sign Language communication, braille, screen reader software and support services for volunteers with visual disability and structural modifications for volunteers with mobility disability etc.).
Handicap expertise:
Health, Education, Livelihoods, SRHR, Humanitarian, LGBTQI+
Social inclusion and gender is one of the core approaches at VSO along with social accountability and resilience. VSO views social inclusion and gender equality as a human rights issue and both a precondition for and indicator of sustainable people-centred development. Disability inclusion is a priority and our position paper on disability highlights our commitments towards disability inclusion. In our programmes we endeavour to ensure:
- Children with disabilities go to school and receive quality education.
- There is better access to health and rehabilitation information and services for persons with disabilities.
- Skills development, entrepreneurship and other livelihoods interventions are inclusive for persons with disabilities.
- Our humanitarian responses are inclusive of persons with disabilities in planning, risk mitigation and response.
- Women, girls and non-binary persons with disabilities are supported in addressing the challenges they face, especially in terms of gender-based violence.
- Stereotype and negative attitudes, policy and practice and unjust systems are addressed.
- Decision makers and duty bearers are informed to understand disability, ensure international commitments and national policies translate into practice that empowers persons with disabilities.
- Information is accessible to persons with disabilities to facilitate their participation and enable them to engage with services and opportunities.
- Harness the potential of technology to ensure persons with disabilities are empowered.
- Support local and national initiatives that works towards advocating for the rights of persons with disabilities. We partner with OPDs and work with people with disabilities as part of policy influencing initiatives. we are guided by the principles and articles of UNCRPD.
Bangladesh, Cambodia, eSwatini, Ethiopië, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Thailand, Oeganda, Zambia