Search Results for: power of disability inclusion

WALK-IN SESSION Engaging religious leaders in advocating for disability rights

WALK-IN SESSION Engaging religious leaders in advocating for disability rights

The aim of this walk-in session is to give all participants, who were present at the webinar one week before, to ask their questions, share their personal examples and ask for feedback on their own cases regarding the topic. We do ask all participants of the walk-in session to prepare and share their specific questions in the registration form. Audience: All participants…

Nurturing Inclusion: Friendship Foundation’s Journey of Empowerment

Nurturing Inclusion: Friendship Foundation’s Journey of Empowerment

In the picturesque landscapes of Sri Lanka, the Friendship Foundation has been silently orchestrating a profound transformation in the lives of individuals with disabilities. For over 17 years, Friendship Foundation has remained steadfast in its commitment to fostering a society that embraces inclusivity and empowers individuals with disabilities. We had the privilege of speaking with…

The banner for the webinar, including the name and the portraits of the 3 speakers.

Throwback to our webinar “Cross-Movement Advocacy on Gender and Disability”

Regularly, the Dutch Coalition on Disability and Development (DCDD) organises exchange sessions with various panellists to share knowledge among the different consortia and organisations that are part of our coalition. The objective is to create interest in disability and to make NGOs and governmental agencies more aware of the steps to take to better include…

The banner for the webinar, including the name, date and time of the webinar and the portraits of the 3 speakers.

Webinar: Cross-movement Advocacy on Gender and Disability

This session is part of the Power of Disability Inclusion meetups for Strategic Partners of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the start of the Power of Disability Inclusion meetups the need was expressed to organise a session to strengthen the link between the gender and disability lobby. The webinar aims to bridge gaps…

A photo of young women in Ethiopia during the Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights.

New DCDD Quick Guide: Towards Disability Inclusive Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights (SRHR)

Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are fundamental to ensuring individuals’ health, well-being, and human rights worldwide. However, promoting and implementing SRHR can be challenging due to cultural barriers and stigmatisation, especially when it comes to people with disabilities. To address these challenges, the Dutch Coalition on Disability and Development (DCDD) has launched the…

Towards disability inclusive programme monitoring.

Launch of DCDD’s Quick Guide on Disability Inclusive Programme Monitoring

How do you measure whether your programme is inclusive for people with disabilities? Whether they have equal access and reap the same benefits from participation? Last week, DCDD launched its newest Quick Guide Towards Disability Inclusive Programme Monitoring, providing tools for disability inclusion in programme monitoring.  Introducing the Quick Guide The guide was created especially…