Power of Disability Inclusion: Engaging Religious Leaders in Promoting Disability Rights

As part of the We Are Able! program, DCDD organised a webinar in the series Power of Disability Inclusion on March 19. The theme of this webinar was Disability & Religion. Three panelists shared their insights on engaging religious leaders in advocating for disability rights.

Stigma and negative stereotypes are often interwoven with supernatural beliefs, hence, to address discrimination it is essential to involve religious and/or traditional leaders. They can act as catalysts for inclusion due to their role model function in many communities. At the same time, religious institutions are often a starting base for all kinds of community activities. They are thus in a very good position to promote inclusion of persons with disability at community level.  

The panelists

Sisay Mammo, Lead for Disability Inclusion at Tearfund Ethiopia (JISRA)

Mr. Mammo shares his expertise with church leaders and religious organisations in Ethiopia. He equips them with the knowledge and tools to foster disability-friendly environments.

Respect for traditions and religious norms go hand in hand with dialogue and scrutiny. A key part of his work is to address harmful interpretations of holy texts and to overcome stereotypes. Mr. Mammo organises sessions where people with disabilities and religious leaders come together and walk through the materials used and activities organised by religious institutions. Including people with disabilities in this dialogue is essential to develop solidarity and a joint motivation for change.

Through joint action, religious organisations can become an important platform for all kinds of inclusive initiatives, such as facilitating self-help groups and joint advocacy for inclusive education.

“Barriers to disability inclusion originate from tradition, conviction, our upbringing. These barriers can be challenged by engaging religious organisations. Many of the harmful narratives are caused by wrong interpretations of religious texts.”

Sisay Mammo, Lead for Disability Inclusion at Tearfund Ethiopia (JISRA)
Huib Cornielje, Enablement (We Are Able!)

Mr. Cornielje is involved in research, training, and development in the field of Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR). Enablement has developed a toolkit for the We Are Able! consortium.

The Disability Training Toolkit for African Religious Leaders and their Church Members aims to create a meaningful dialogue in the community. The toolkit is intended to be used by local organisations and can be adapted to fit different contexts. It provides material to organise workshops and training sessions to better understand the relation between religion, cultural beliefs and traditions, and to take steps towards a disability-inclusive community.

Mr. Cornielje emphasises that churches can have an enormous impact because they influence people’s mindsets and provide essential services. Including religious leaders in promoting the rights of persons with disabilities is key.

“To make a positive difference, we must work together with religious and traditional leaders. They are more powerful than formal leaders and can be influential agents of change. Due to their frequent involvement, religious leaders can influence people’s mindsets and address stigma.”

Huib Cornielje, Enablement (We Are Able!)
Professor Esther Mombo, Circle of Concerned Women Theologians (Make Way)

Ms. Mombo is an associate professor in the Faculty of Theology at St. Paul’s University in Limuru, Kenya. She teaches Church History and Gender Studies.

Ms. Mombo facilitates women’s groups as part of the Make Way program. These groups represent women from different religious backgrounds who look at societal issues that affect young people. One of the key goals is to ensure that people with disabilities participate as equal participants in religious activities. In addition, as a professor, she trains students with and without disabilities to become church leaders who embody inclusion. 

Ms. Mombo emphasises the importance of involving religious leaders in solving societal problems because they have the platform to regularly address large audiences. They can directly combat negative stereotypes by appointing people with disabilities as leaders who can promote the message of inclusion.

“People with disabilities can become church leaders and change the attitude of the people coming to church. Churches will always be there and remain a significant aspect of the community. As an NGO, it is crucial to engage them to ensure sustainable impact.”

Professor Esther Mombo, Circle of Concerned Women Theologians (Make Way)

Concluding remarks

The experts in this webinar have highlighted the central role of religious leaders in shaping societal norms and serving as platforms for community activities. Religion, cultural beliefs and community intersect, making religious leaders a crucial link for creating awareness and promoting inclusion in daily activities. Furthermore, while development projects often have a temporary nature due to their short cycles, religious leaders and institutions can regularly spread their message of inclusion on a permanent basis.

Dialogue and mutual respect are key for engagement of religious leaders, and this webinar has provided practical tools and examples to integrate these principles into projects and programs.

At the end of the session, DCDD shares a digital goodie bag with relevant resources. Keep an eye on our website for more updates on the next Power of Disability Inclusion series session.

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